Facilities here refer to Classrooms, Toilets, Blackboards and Water. For the 2013/2014 school census a total of 7,015 classrooms were recorded in public primary schools. Out of this number 56% is usable. For the public secondary schools, a total of 4,167 classrooms were recorded out of which 57% is usable. Pupil-Classroom-Ratio for primary is 66 while that of secondary is 75. At the primary level, 37.7% of the total classroom need major repairs, 80% does not have adequate seating, 68.1% has no good blackboard, 22% of the classes are held outside and 74.8% has no good health facility or first aid. At the secondary level, 20.5% of the classrooms are in need of major repairs, 80% has no adequate seating, 68.1% has no good blackboard, 22% of the classes are held outside and 50% has no good health facility or first aid. For water situation at the primary level, only 3% of the total number of schools has access to pipe-borne water, 5.2% has access to borehole, 1% has access to well, 3.4% has other sources of water supply and 87.4% has no access to water. At the secondary level, 4.2% has access to pipe-borne water, 3.8% has access to borehole, 3.2% has access to well, 5.4% has other sources of water while 83.3% has no access to water. For toilet situation at the primary level 64.6% of the schools has no toilet at all whereas 35.4% has at least one toilet. Pupil-Toilet-Ratio at the primary level is 152 pupils to 1 toilet. At the secondary level, 51.6% of the total number of schools has no toilet at all whereas 48.4% has at least one toilet. Pupil-Toilet-Ratio in the public secondary school is 155 students to 1 toilet.
Your generosity makes our work possible. Whether you contribute financially or serve as an advocate for primary schools.
Another way you can help is by giving urgently required items such as blackboards, chairs and desks to schools in need.
Read the census report with charts showing percentage of schools with necessary learning and health facilities.